Royal City Television

Friday 25 June 2021



THE CALL TO PRAYER!!! Beloved of God in Christ, CORONAVIRUS MUST BE DESTROYED because the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever. He miraculously healed all sicknesses, diseases, opened the blind eyes, deaf ears, resurrected the dead and preached the gospel in the Power of the Holy Spirit to all people. And before his glorious ascension, He instructed his disciples never to leave Jerusalem until they were Filled with power of the Holy Spirit because it’s only the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit that manifests the Supremacy of Christ to the world as the Lord of lords and the King of kings and confirm that you’re sent of God {Matthew 15:30-31, Luke 24:49-53}. 

I’m perturbed by the distress among the people as gross darkness covers sections of societies with fear, panic, death due to CoronaVirus that even the religious groups including bishops, pastors, believers and many others are dying before their time. These must cause every believer in the body of Christ to WAKE UP from the bed of slumbering, religious foolishness, compromise, sexual immorality, worldliness and get back to the Altar of Prayers with deep conviction of the reality of the WORD OF GOD. When the religious groups of Jesus time forgot that Israel was designed by God to be the Light and the Prophetic Voice of God to the world, they turned their synagogues into marketplaces, money stealing centers, that it had to take the Lord Jesus Christ himself to INTERVENE with whips to cause reforms and restore true fervent Intercession, heartfelt PRAYERS, holiness and the fear of God that triggered the outpouring of Miraculous power of the Holy Spirit and the blind, sick, deaf came again to the temple and the were miraculously healed {Matthew 21:12-15}, to the glory of God.

You as the body of Christ was created to be the Light, Salt of the earth, the dwelling place of Christ, earthly residence of God Almighty, the glorious bride of Christ and you must become the Light, SOLUTION to the world’s problems and challenges now. The Word of God is true, the Lord Jesus Christ through his sacrificial suffering, death, burial and resurrection DESTROYED COMPLETELY the devil with all diseases including coronavirus, aids, poverty, sin, and other new diseases yet to come to this world and gave the believers AUTHORITY and Power to miraculously heal all manner of sicknesses, all manner of diseases and prosper without FEARING {Matthew 10:1-8, Hebrews 2:9-15, Luke 10:17-19, Mark 16:16-18} but that Miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is only RELEASED through Fervent Prayers by consecrated people, people whose purpose is completely dedicated to doing God’s will and helping human being. 

Prayers, I’m talking about fervent prayers, not religious prayer ceremonies with rosary or prayer books but heartfelt prayers, don’t you remember that the Lord Jesus Christ even though he was the very begotten son of God spent nights and days in Prayers with heavy burden for the redemption of humanity and  in Gethsemane he prayed until he began to sweat blood{Luke 22:39-44}. Through prayers we receive power to change the impossible, therefore, Stop fearing and lamenting about coronavirus, generational curses and others demonic bondages and confront them with absolute faith out of the revelation of the Finished Work of Christ and you shall PREVAIL VICTORIOUSLY. I have witnessed many miraculous healings upon cancer victims, coronavirus patients, marriages restored, communities transformed through the power of PRAYERS and we are still growing from glory to glory by the Spirit of Christ in the discipline of prayers. 

You must begin now to Develop a daily habit of Prayer as a true believer in the word of God, fervent Prayer births supernatural power of God to transform nations, heal generations, sharp destinies of families and causes God to give supernatural ideas, wisdom to leaders for the development of the nation. Prayer in not pleading with God but ENFORCING God’s perfect will through the AUTHORITY of the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST and it also triggers the release of God’s power to deliver, heal, transform, prosper and destroy demonic plans over people’s lives, families, communities and nations in Jesus glorious name. CoronaVirus is a demonic sickness, no matter whether it was manufactured in labs or not, all sicknesses were destroyed at the cross of Calvary by Christ Jesus and it will not kill you before you fulfill God’s purpose in this earth in the name of Jesus. Call or whatSap us for miraculous prayer for you on {+256 788 010452, +256 774 010452, +256 702 181942} and also join our 24 hour prayer team. Things are changing for your good this season as we set ourselves in the FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST THROUGH PRAYERS. Uganda shall be HEALED and you shall live to see the goodness of God. Hallelujah! See you in Christ. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello


  1. Yes sir! The church of Christ must stand now, we cannot afford to ignore the situation in our nation, sadness and sorrow in the hearts of many.. the Lord is counting us to manifest the glory and reveal the supremacy of Christ to the rest of world



  THE CALL TO PRAYER!!! Beloved of God in Christ, CORONAVIRUS MUST BE DESTROYED because the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today a...