Royal City Television

Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Hello heavenly citizens in Royal City Ministries, I greet you in the Powerful name of JESUS CHRIST, who died and destroyed the devil with all sicknesses at the cross of Calvary. As God’s Apostle in Royal City Ministries, I have taught you the PURE WORD OF GOD in Christ, this is the TIME to BUILD YOUR FAITH IN THE WORD OF GOD which I have been TEACHING and SENDING daily because FEAR is taking over the world. The devil has released the spirits of fear, fear, and people everywhere are fearing coronavirus more than they even fear God but that’s not you because IN CHRIST JESUS you’re more than a CONQUEROR! You Royal Citizens, who follows my TEACHINGS IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST JESUS SHALL NOT DIE OF coronavirus or any disease before FULFILLING God’s PLAN.

 We’ve the PROPHETIC WORD from God that this is the “SEASON OF ABUNDANCE”, not of coronavirus, therefore, set your eyes on God’s ABUNDANCE OF BLESSINGS, love, joy, Favor as you win souls for Christ daily. So believe the WORD OF GOD and make the word of God your WAEPON to fight a Successful Warfare against the devil. Don’t you know that the Promised Land God gave the children of Israel had occupants of {7 greater nations} stronger than the children of Israel physically but the children of Israel BELIEVED THE PROPHETIC WORD of God and FOUGHT using the word of God they BELIEVED and God gave them the VICTORY{Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 7:23-24, 20:16-17, 1 John 3:8, Colossians 2:14-15}. In the same let all of you learn to LIVE HEALTHY, drinking enough water, eating on time, “THIS IS OUR SEASON, THE MIRACULOUS POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT has COME upon you and tell all people to PUT their TRUST IN THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST JESUS. 

The Lord Jesus Christ MIRACULOUSLY HEALED people{Matthew 15:30-31, Luke 7:11-22} and I’m sent as the Apostle of Miracles to MIRACULOUSLY HEAL all the sick, raise the dead, deliver all the demonic possessed souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t just believe what you’re hearing on newspapers, don’t just post what people are sending you. You’re a born again believer in Christ Jesus, your work is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ and about the Miracles , Signs and Wonders, you’ve seen God do in Royal City Ministries and through me his Apostle. Our Church Royal City Najera is OPEN, not CLOSED and come anytime for PRAYERS, Counselling, intercession prayers.

 Start wagging spiritual WAR against the forces of the devil killing people with diseases, sicknesses, poverty, death, the devil has been DEFEATED BY THE BLOOD  OF CHRIST, Pray for the whole of Ugandan people to be SAVED, the whole of Africa to be SAVED, Pray for all Royal City Members for God to fill them with the Spirit to Serve and prosper, Pray for our Radio Station, we need MONEY TO FINISH PAYING FOR OUR RADIO STATION now. Pray for supernatural GROWTH, MULTIPLICATION and INCREASE upon the work of God in Royal City Ministries. 

We’ve been given the POWER by the name of Jesus of Nazareth against all evil, therefore, use the POWER of the name of Jesus to completely DESTROY the devil with all it’s agents stopping your growth, prosperity, multiplication, Healings, Blessings{Matthew 10:1-8, Revelation 12:11} and use the same POWER of the name of Jesus Christ to OPEN THE DOORS OF YOUR Abundant Blessings of God upon your marriage, families, communities. Live every day as those JESUS CHRIST IS COMING TODAY in love, Holiness, worship and diligent service to God. Give constantly to God’s work, give to the needy. I declare that you live and abide in the fullness of the glory of God. Hallelujah! 

Apostle of Miracles, Jefferson Stephen Okello

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen. Our God work. I don't know the God of other but the Specific God of our Man Of God works. I can testify I partake of this word. In Jesus name. #thepowerinthenameofJesus



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