Royal City Television

Friday 11 June 2021



Maintain Your Victory!

Beloved of Christ, I greet you in Christ Jesus! I see you VICTORIOUS and TRIUMPHANT in all things. You’re born of God by Faith and can not be brought down by anything, for you possess the INDESTRUCTIBLE LIFE of Christ Jesus in your spirit. Your Faith is the victory that has overcome the world!{1 John 5:1-13}. There’s no battle left for any of God’s children to fight that the Lord Jesus Christ did not win. Every battle has been fought and won by Jesus. All He expects today is for us to live in the realm of the finished works by maintaining the victory He obtained for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. 

You maintain that victory by consistently taking our stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death and every other manipulation of the devil. You must completely reject FEAR, Fear hurts, binds, and stops you under the captivity of the devil but in Christ Jesus, you’ve been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy and no devil has power over you. Your Life in Christ is a SUPER-LIFE, the divine life of Christ and is working wonders in you by the Holy Spirit; it’s a daily expression of the victorious and triumphant life of Christ Jesus on earth through you! 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ...” (NKJV). 

Notice it doesn’t say we’re triumphant sometimes, but always, glory to God! There’s no defeat for the Christian. A true Christian doesn’t fail in life; he’s an all-around success. When you come to that level where faith becomes your conscious lifestyle, you’ll never have cause to despair or give room to despondency in your life. You will not blame anybody for whatever problems you find yourself facing, because you’ll discover that you’re responsible for whatever happens to you. 

Nobody can make you poor, sick, or subject to the low life of a victim as you operate daily by faith! Faith—your faith—is the victory that overcomes the world and its systems. Therefore, use your mouth as the tool of faith in the name of Christ Jesus to create the future you DESIRE. It’s your season of abundance, in the name of Jesus.

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello.


  1. God is interested in my faith, its the only thing of eternal value, I commit to grow in faith,for it's my victory....

  2. Amen and Amen! We are victorious in Jesus' name. Glory to Jesus



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