Royal City Television

Saturday 12 June 2021




I greet you God’s people in Christ! The exceeding grace of God appeared to the world in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and to those who BELIEVED in Him as their LORD and Savior, the FAITH that comes through the FINISHED WORK of his cross of Calvary, has made you completely a brand new SUPER-BEING in Christ called the new creatures{2 Corinthians 5:17}. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise(Galatians 3:29). When you are born again, you are the seed of Abraham and thus the inheritor of Abrahamic blessings. I love the way the Living Bible puts it.." now that we are Christ's we are the true descendant of Abraham and all of God's promises to him belong to us"(Gal 3:29). Your association with Christ has made you the real descendant of Abraham and by extension the possessor of the blessings God conferred upon Him.

As the seed of Abraham, nothing is too good for you or too big for you to OWN. You are blessed beyond measure with all the Spiritual blessings of God in Christ, can you believe it? Failure, all sicknesses, all diseases, lack, and death are not CONSISTENT WITH YOUR LIFE ANY MORE NOW IN CHRIST, therefore, refuse to FEAR ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH. You can’t be poor or fail in life because as Abraham's seed, the works of your hands are ABUNDANTLY BLESSED; YOU ARE ORDAINED TO SUCCEED IN LIFE as the Abrahamic which you have become in Christ. Choose to believe the TRUTH OF God’s WORD that Fruitfulness and productivity have become your birthright and get out daily with your mindset to ACHIEVE BIG THINGS FOR God. This is your heritage as the seed of Abraham. A woman once said, “I have been married for many years and I've not been able to have children; the doctors said I'm barren", No! Not when you have known the TRUTH that you are the seed of Abraham! Abraham's seed can't remain barren or impotent; It’s IMPOSSIBLE!.

 Medical instruments may detect that the fallopian tube had been removed, but the Bible says"there shall not be male or female barren among you"{Deu 7:14} and when you believe it, the Fallopian tube shall be recreated in you, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. For the seed of Abraham, everything is possible. The Bible tells of a story of a certain woman who was bowed over for eighteen years, She came into the synagogue and when Jesus the beloved Master saw her, He said, “Ought not this woman, beings the daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond...{Luke13:16}? He then tapped her on the back and said "Woman thus art loosed from your infirmity"(Luke 13:12) and Immediately she was healed. why? Abraham's seed ought not to be bound by sickness, diseases, or infirmity.

If you have been experiencing any form of sickness, diseases, or infirmity, recognize that you are Abrahams's seed and sickness, failure and all bondages of the enemy are not your portions. Hear me again as the Apostle of Christ Jesus, I declare to you that due to your connection to this ministry, “Abundant Blessings is overtaking you in the name of Jesus “. With your working faith in the word of God, refuse to accommodate any negative thoughts of sickness or suffering in your life or marriage, things have changed for you in Christ. Therefore, let faith and hope arise in your life and begin to take your right inheritance by faith in Christ Jesus.

The world is waiting for your manifestation as the sons and daughters of the King of kings. NOTHING CAN DEFEAT YOU, FOR GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. Christ in you takes away all the limitations. Commit to supporting our Radio Project and don’t forget to help the needy people around you. Receive the Grace of the Holy Spirit to produce ABUNDANT BLESSINGS, I see you Healthy, Wealthy, Victorious, and generously serving God, in Jesus Matchless name.

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello #ApostleofMiracles, #RoyalCityMinistries #RoyalCityNajjera #BirthingRevival

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