Royal City Television

Friday 25 June 2021



THE CALL TO PRAYER!!! Beloved of God in Christ, CORONAVIRUS MUST BE DESTROYED because the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever. He miraculously healed all sicknesses, diseases, opened the blind eyes, deaf ears, resurrected the dead and preached the gospel in the Power of the Holy Spirit to all people. And before his glorious ascension, He instructed his disciples never to leave Jerusalem until they were Filled with power of the Holy Spirit because it’s only the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit that manifests the Supremacy of Christ to the world as the Lord of lords and the King of kings and confirm that you’re sent of God {Matthew 15:30-31, Luke 24:49-53}. 

I’m perturbed by the distress among the people as gross darkness covers sections of societies with fear, panic, death due to CoronaVirus that even the religious groups including bishops, pastors, believers and many others are dying before their time. These must cause every believer in the body of Christ to WAKE UP from the bed of slumbering, religious foolishness, compromise, sexual immorality, worldliness and get back to the Altar of Prayers with deep conviction of the reality of the WORD OF GOD. When the religious groups of Jesus time forgot that Israel was designed by God to be the Light and the Prophetic Voice of God to the world, they turned their synagogues into marketplaces, money stealing centers, that it had to take the Lord Jesus Christ himself to INTERVENE with whips to cause reforms and restore true fervent Intercession, heartfelt PRAYERS, holiness and the fear of God that triggered the outpouring of Miraculous power of the Holy Spirit and the blind, sick, deaf came again to the temple and the were miraculously healed {Matthew 21:12-15}, to the glory of God.

You as the body of Christ was created to be the Light, Salt of the earth, the dwelling place of Christ, earthly residence of God Almighty, the glorious bride of Christ and you must become the Light, SOLUTION to the world’s problems and challenges now. The Word of God is true, the Lord Jesus Christ through his sacrificial suffering, death, burial and resurrection DESTROYED COMPLETELY the devil with all diseases including coronavirus, aids, poverty, sin, and other new diseases yet to come to this world and gave the believers AUTHORITY and Power to miraculously heal all manner of sicknesses, all manner of diseases and prosper without FEARING {Matthew 10:1-8, Hebrews 2:9-15, Luke 10:17-19, Mark 16:16-18} but that Miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is only RELEASED through Fervent Prayers by consecrated people, people whose purpose is completely dedicated to doing God’s will and helping human being. 

Prayers, I’m talking about fervent prayers, not religious prayer ceremonies with rosary or prayer books but heartfelt prayers, don’t you remember that the Lord Jesus Christ even though he was the very begotten son of God spent nights and days in Prayers with heavy burden for the redemption of humanity and  in Gethsemane he prayed until he began to sweat blood{Luke 22:39-44}. Through prayers we receive power to change the impossible, therefore, Stop fearing and lamenting about coronavirus, generational curses and others demonic bondages and confront them with absolute faith out of the revelation of the Finished Work of Christ and you shall PREVAIL VICTORIOUSLY. I have witnessed many miraculous healings upon cancer victims, coronavirus patients, marriages restored, communities transformed through the power of PRAYERS and we are still growing from glory to glory by the Spirit of Christ in the discipline of prayers. 

You must begin now to Develop a daily habit of Prayer as a true believer in the word of God, fervent Prayer births supernatural power of God to transform nations, heal generations, sharp destinies of families and causes God to give supernatural ideas, wisdom to leaders for the development of the nation. Prayer in not pleading with God but ENFORCING God’s perfect will through the AUTHORITY of the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST and it also triggers the release of God’s power to deliver, heal, transform, prosper and destroy demonic plans over people’s lives, families, communities and nations in Jesus glorious name. CoronaVirus is a demonic sickness, no matter whether it was manufactured in labs or not, all sicknesses were destroyed at the cross of Calvary by Christ Jesus and it will not kill you before you fulfill God’s purpose in this earth in the name of Jesus. Call or whatSap us for miraculous prayer for you on {+256 788 010452, +256 774 010452, +256 702 181942} and also join our 24 hour prayer team. Things are changing for your good this season as we set ourselves in the FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST THROUGH PRAYERS. Uganda shall be HEALED and you shall live to see the goodness of God. Hallelujah! See you in Christ. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Tuesday 22 June 2021



Count It All Joy 

Greetings to you God’s Holy Saints, Whenever you study the Word of God, you draw up joy from the well of salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the confession of God's word puts you in a joyful position always. This way you make power available in your spirit that makes you VICTORIOUS always as you become filled with the Holy Ghost. We become joyful because God has done it according to the WORD OF GOD. When Jesus Christ finished the work God sent Him to do, He said, `All hail!', as a note of victory for every believer. The Bible records that the disciples were full of joy after Jesus Christ had finished speaking to them. He said, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name, shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark ‪16:17-18).

A child of God should be joyful because the GREATER ONE dwells in him and you have been given all authority to operate in heaven, on earth and under the earth by the use of the name of Jesus. Jesus became poor for our sakes, that we might become rich. He completed everything and now we are complete (perfected) in Him. Whosoever is born of God should never think that he cannot make it because he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him (Philippians 4:13). The Bible says that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:32), because we move with supernatural power. We do not move with man's ability but with God's ability. The Bible says in James 1:2-3:

"…Count it all joy, when ye fall into diverse temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."

This does not mean praising God for adverse situations but praising Him in spite of them. A miracle does not occur because you see the miracle but when you believe the miracle. When Jesus told the lame man to stand up on his feet and walk, he obeyed the Word of God and he saw the miracle. He did not see the miracle with his physical eyes before he obeyed. He obeyed, and then, the miracle came.

Count it all joy when you fall into diverse kinds of temptations because there is a SPECIAL MIRACLE on the way. Just believe God's word as it comes to you. You may ask yourself, `How is it possible for someone to be full of joy when he is faced with temptations or hard times?' It is possible because, the re-created human spirit in CHRIST JESUS is meant to be joyous at all times. Things might not work out fine, but when you are joyful, you are indirectly saying, `My God shall do it'.

The atmosphere of joy puts God in operation. It makes Him act fast; it hastens Him to perform His Word concerning you. You have to count it all joy when you are in a temptation because the Word of God already declares that you can handle any situation that comes your way. God has made you all sufficient. He has made you complete in Him.


When you fall into diverse kinds of temptations, all you need is to be joyful because you have His strength and ability in you. You do not walk on your own anymore, you now walk with God. He is with you always, even unto the end of the earth. Joy is the evidence of God's presence. We know that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures forever more. This is not just for a moment. You must count it all joy even when all that is happening to you is not fun. Just know that God's children will prosper, even in dry times. God knows how to satisfy His children. He knows how to put laughter in their mouths. Psalms 126:1-2 says,


"When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them."

The people who walked with God saw His good deeds and they found themselves living in joy everyday. Joy is expressive; you just find your mouth filled with laughter, so much so, that people will begin to wonder what the source of your happiness is. But you know within you that it is God at work and, you can be rest assured that what God has started to do in your life will be perfected. When you see the greatness of God being manifested in your life, you cannot help but rejoice. God will make everything in your life work in accordance with His Word, as long as you believe in Him. God's word is bound to work when you declare it. The life we live is a life of joy a joy that must be expressed. We must let people know that we have a God who is alive, and He has given us the victory. Our mouths must be filled with laughter, not the kind that mocks people. But the laughter of joy in appreciation of what God has done for us. Even when you cannot see those great things, go ahead and express your joy. The Bible admonishes us in Ephesians ‪5:18-20:

"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;"

 It is the time to make melody, whether you feel happy or not. Do not wait till you feel happy before you sing a new song to God. As you speak God's Word to yourself, you charge up your human spirit; you become filled with the Holy Ghost. At this stage, your recreated human spirit becomes completely dominated and influenced by God's power and Presence. You have created the atmosphere for miracles! As the unending spring of joy wells up in your heart, you begin to manifest the Excellency of CHRIST JESUS. You see yourself overcome what used to be a great challenge easily. Ideas on how to meet your needs flood your human spirit and due to the abundant life that you live afterward, you begin to see all your needs met. Hallelujah! Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Monday 21 June 2021



Greetings to you God’s Children, It’s so important that you become sensitive to what the Spirit of God is doing at every stage of your life. Many have had difficulties because they have refused to recognize and yield to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. As such, they live ordinary lives. If you only knew the importance of God’s guidance in your life, you would not live another moment without it. 

The Word of God shows us the path to life; but also, there is something worship does for you. Jesus said, the Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. There is a connection to the Spirit that worship brings, and this produces the blessings and revelation to greater mysteries of God to you. A time of worship brings you visions, opens opportunities and transports you with peace beyond understanding. 

Worship does not need to be long to be effective. Every moment with the Holy Ghost is greater than ten years of travail. It will turn you from a pauper to a champion with undeniable blessings overnight.

The Christian is not called to live an ordinary life. Understand the times and transcend the normal life for a time with the Holy Spirit that would catapult you to heights unimagined.

This is the call of the Holy Spirit to you. Take time out this season to worship God and commune with the Holy Spirit; do it every day till it becomes a part of your life. Then you will see the barriers crumble before you; the limitations and insecurities you experience would become a thing of the past, and you’ll rise to the place of the champion that you are; winning everyday and blessing your world with His presence. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Thursday 17 June 2021


THE SECRET TO VICTORIOUS LIFE ! Hello God’s people in Christ, Have you known that you’ve been called to live VICTORIOUSLY over all storms and PROSPER extravagantly in Christ? That’s the reason He sent us the precious Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead. He is the Power by which God made the whole universe. The Holy Spirit, the Bible says, is the One Who garnished the heavens (Job 26:13). 

When God speaks, the Holy Spirit is the One who brings it to pass. He's the DOER of the things of God. So, when God wants to do something in your life, it will have to be by the Holy Spirit. This is why you need the Holy Spirit in your life today.  Even the Lord Jesus Christ had to have the Holy Spirit. It was only after the Holy Spirit came into His life that His ministry and the MIRACULOUS WORKS began. Remember that when He was on earth, even though He was the Son of God, He didn't operate or minister as the Son of God. He operated and ministered as a man, the son of man (1 Timothy 2:5; Matthew 12:8).

If you have the Holy Spirit and let Him take charge of your life, it doesn't matter what your situation is, He'll turn it around for your good. Believe me today that the Holy Spirit is God’s POWER and His presence in you is the ETERNAL INDICATION of God’s favor upon you. If you allow the Holy Spirit takes over your family, your business or your health, it doesn't matter what troubles you've been experiencing or what's been going wrong, you will begin to go from STRENGTH to STRENGTH, from GRACE to GRACE, from FAITH to FAITH, from SUCCESS to SUCCESS and from GREATNESS to GREATNESS. 

When the Holy Spirit takes over your life, He'll drive every sickness out of your body; He'll make right everything that was wrong through your obedience to his INSTRUCTIONS. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that Moses performed great miracles in Egypt, and the same Holy Spirit is in you, to EMPOWER you to WORK WONDERS in your business, job, families and ministry, for the glory of God, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Tuesday 15 June 2021


LIVE BY THE FAITH OF CHRIST! God’s people I greet you in the matchless name of Jesus, There is a high level in your spiritual walk with God where you reach and realize that your own life has been swallowed up in Christ Jesus. At that level, you cease to try to make things  workout in your life, because your life and faith have become so fused with that of the Master Christ Jesus. The Scripture says, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless
 I live; yet not I, but Christ

liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son  of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). You have work out your salvation with fear and determination to grow in Christ, for you to come to the point where you recognize that your faith has become one  with the faith of Jesus; and you begin to see with the eyes of the Master.

The Bible says concerning Jesus, that “…for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the  throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). In other words, there was something that Jesus saw with  His faith, that made Him endure the cross. What did He see? He saw you and me, the  new creation in Him! Jesus had faith that if you heard about Him, you would believe and become a new creation! He saw you before you were ever born and saw you standing in His righteousness! He saw everything you could become in Him! Hallelujah! The faith of the Son of God turns sinners into saints and weaklings into mighty men! God’s desire for you is to come to this level where you too will say like Paul,

“The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God!”  Quit trying to make it through life by your own strength; start living by the faith of the  Son of God, which is God’s WORD, listen constantly to God’s Word and allow the word to grow in the faith of Christ, Who loved you and gave Himself for you. Jesus’ faith can never fail nor can you fail  because you are living by His faith; you are swallowed up in Him! Stir up the faith of Christ in your hearts by constant speaking in tongues and then with the boldness of the Spirit in your hearts, speak for your breakthroughs into existence and it shall manifest to you, I see you healthy, wealthy and generously manifesting the Love of Christ through your acts of LOVE, in the name of Jesus. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Monday 14 June 2021


THE TRIUMPHANT LIFE IN YOU! You must believe that the life you have now in Christ through the WORD OF GOD is the very supernatural life of God. It’s a life of an unending victories in over all things, a triumphant life! “Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savior of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14‬}. Now, I want you to observe the tenses in the Scripture above and recognize that it is not dealing with prophecies or history but with

present-hour realities as the world is struggling with the fear of coronavirus. Thanks be unto God which always, not sometimes, MAKES US TRIUMPHANT IN CHRIST. I see you Victorious over all things in the name of Jesus! 

Understand that this is not just a case of God Almighty watching you, and when He sees you in trouble, He does something so you can come out triumphant in that situation and then relaxes until you get into trouble again. No!  The Holy Spirit is teaching us here is the TRUTH that the Word of God makes us triumphant always and all the times.

God and His Word are one, which means I can say, “Thanks be unto the Word of God which always makes us triumphant.” The Word of God makes us triumphant, BELIEVE THE WORD with all your hearts and that, in the now you’re VICTORIOUS. Stop entertaining the religious thinking in your mind that God is going to stretch forth His hand and get you out of trouble, NO, you’re not in any trouble because Christ Jesus took away all your troubles at the cross and gave you eternal victory. When you allow this Word of God dwell in you richly, it will put you over in every crisis you may face and make you triumphant.

The Word of God has the ability to make you successful and prosperous if you subject your self to the WORD. Always, we’re led forth in a triumphal procession in Christ Jesus as His Word works in our lives. Then we make manifest the savior of His glory and others around take notice of us. There’s something about us that smells God. We carry His divine presence and fragrance.

We’re dispensers of eternal verities, distributors of divine life. When we show up, God shows up! He is in you; you’ve become His earthly address, His operational headquarters and God’s living tabernacle. Go out filled with the SPIRIT OF FAITH , speaking with your mouth the wonderful works of God and you shall experience EXTRAORDINARY WONDERS daily, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Saturday 12 June 2021




I greet you God’s people in Christ! The exceeding grace of God appeared to the world in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and to those who BELIEVED in Him as their LORD and Savior, the FAITH that comes through the FINISHED WORK of his cross of Calvary, has made you completely a brand new SUPER-BEING in Christ called the new creatures{2 Corinthians 5:17}. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise(Galatians 3:29). When you are born again, you are the seed of Abraham and thus the inheritor of Abrahamic blessings. I love the way the Living Bible puts it.." now that we are Christ's we are the true descendant of Abraham and all of God's promises to him belong to us"(Gal 3:29). Your association with Christ has made you the real descendant of Abraham and by extension the possessor of the blessings God conferred upon Him.

As the seed of Abraham, nothing is too good for you or too big for you to OWN. You are blessed beyond measure with all the Spiritual blessings of God in Christ, can you believe it? Failure, all sicknesses, all diseases, lack, and death are not CONSISTENT WITH YOUR LIFE ANY MORE NOW IN CHRIST, therefore, refuse to FEAR ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH. You can’t be poor or fail in life because as Abraham's seed, the works of your hands are ABUNDANTLY BLESSED; YOU ARE ORDAINED TO SUCCEED IN LIFE as the Abrahamic which you have become in Christ. Choose to believe the TRUTH OF God’s WORD that Fruitfulness and productivity have become your birthright and get out daily with your mindset to ACHIEVE BIG THINGS FOR God. This is your heritage as the seed of Abraham. A woman once said, “I have been married for many years and I've not been able to have children; the doctors said I'm barren", No! Not when you have known the TRUTH that you are the seed of Abraham! Abraham's seed can't remain barren or impotent; It’s IMPOSSIBLE!.

 Medical instruments may detect that the fallopian tube had been removed, but the Bible says"there shall not be male or female barren among you"{Deu 7:14} and when you believe it, the Fallopian tube shall be recreated in you, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. For the seed of Abraham, everything is possible. The Bible tells of a story of a certain woman who was bowed over for eighteen years, She came into the synagogue and when Jesus the beloved Master saw her, He said, “Ought not this woman, beings the daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond...{Luke13:16}? He then tapped her on the back and said "Woman thus art loosed from your infirmity"(Luke 13:12) and Immediately she was healed. why? Abraham's seed ought not to be bound by sickness, diseases, or infirmity.

If you have been experiencing any form of sickness, diseases, or infirmity, recognize that you are Abrahams's seed and sickness, failure and all bondages of the enemy are not your portions. Hear me again as the Apostle of Christ Jesus, I declare to you that due to your connection to this ministry, “Abundant Blessings is overtaking you in the name of Jesus “. With your working faith in the word of God, refuse to accommodate any negative thoughts of sickness or suffering in your life or marriage, things have changed for you in Christ. Therefore, let faith and hope arise in your life and begin to take your right inheritance by faith in Christ Jesus.

The world is waiting for your manifestation as the sons and daughters of the King of kings. NOTHING CAN DEFEAT YOU, FOR GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. Christ in you takes away all the limitations. Commit to supporting our Radio Project and don’t forget to help the needy people around you. Receive the Grace of the Holy Spirit to produce ABUNDANT BLESSINGS, I see you Healthy, Wealthy, Victorious, and generously serving God, in Jesus Matchless name.

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello #ApostleofMiracles, #RoyalCityMinistries #RoyalCityNajjera #BirthingRevival

Friday 11 June 2021



Maintain Your Victory!

Beloved of Christ, I greet you in Christ Jesus! I see you VICTORIOUS and TRIUMPHANT in all things. You’re born of God by Faith and can not be brought down by anything, for you possess the INDESTRUCTIBLE LIFE of Christ Jesus in your spirit. Your Faith is the victory that has overcome the world!{1 John 5:1-13}. There’s no battle left for any of God’s children to fight that the Lord Jesus Christ did not win. Every battle has been fought and won by Jesus. All He expects today is for us to live in the realm of the finished works by maintaining the victory He obtained for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. 

You maintain that victory by consistently taking our stand in faith against sickness, disease, poverty, death and every other manipulation of the devil. You must completely reject FEAR, Fear hurts, binds, and stops you under the captivity of the devil but in Christ Jesus, you’ve been delivered from all the oppression of the enemy and no devil has power over you. Your Life in Christ is a SUPER-LIFE, the divine life of Christ and is working wonders in you by the Holy Spirit; it’s a daily expression of the victorious and triumphant life of Christ Jesus on earth through you! 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ...” (NKJV). 

Notice it doesn’t say we’re triumphant sometimes, but always, glory to God! There’s no defeat for the Christian. A true Christian doesn’t fail in life; he’s an all-around success. When you come to that level where faith becomes your conscious lifestyle, you’ll never have cause to despair or give room to despondency in your life. You will not blame anybody for whatever problems you find yourself facing, because you’ll discover that you’re responsible for whatever happens to you. 

Nobody can make you poor, sick, or subject to the low life of a victim as you operate daily by faith! Faith—your faith—is the victory that overcomes the world and its systems. Therefore, use your mouth as the tool of faith in the name of Christ Jesus to create the future you DESIRE. It’s your season of abundance, in the name of Jesus.

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello.

Thursday 10 June 2021




 My people, I greet you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Fill your home with GOD, not FEAR! Did you know you can have your home, environment, and all you do SATURATE with God's MIRACULOUS POWER  at all times so that you experience the manifestations of His glory and power? Just in case you're wondering how to do it, I'll show you what to do.


First and foremost, you have to create that atmosphere in your heart; it’s your spirit that’s the DWELLING PLACE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT if you start FILLING YOUR HEARTS WITH GOD’S WORD you can have it in your environment{Proverbs 4:20-24}. To create an atmosphere of miraculous abundance in your heart, you have to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the person of God Almighty and the power of God Almighty in you and with you. Ephesians ‪5:18-19 shows us how to do this: "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Learn to live by God’s WORD, and to speak the Word to yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit is one with God’s Word. If for instance, you want to create an atmosphere of MIRACULOUS HEALING and PROSPERITY in your home, you first have to speak words of MIRACULOUS HEALING and ABUNDANT PROSPERITY from God's Word to yourself and your family. Also, remember part of what we read above: Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. That means singing songs of faith, health, healing, and prosperity to yourself! Making melodies in your heart to the Lord joyfully and in thanksgiving as you contemplate the perfect health and prosperity He's brought you into.

Do these until your spirit is stirred and your faith is established in God's Word. Now, this shouldn't be a one-off activity; be consistent at it, and you'll experience your spirit being constantly filled with God's presence "THAT DIVINE GLORIOUS PRESENCE THAT BRINGS MIRACULOUS HEALING AND ABUNDANT PROSPERITY”. Extending this to your home, it's the same principle. The Spirit of God can fill your house and business the same way He fills your heart. Constantly declare God's Word concerning your family, job, business, and personal belongings. As you do, your immediate environment will go in the same direction as your declarations in the matchless name of Jesus! 

Your home will be filled with the presence of God and the miraculous will be your constant experience, in this season of ABUNDANCE, in Jesus's glorious name. See you in Christ Jesus in Royal City Najera. Let the LOVE of Christ lead, support our Radio project, and don’t forget to support the needy. Living in the fullness of his glory. Hallelujah. 

Apostle Jefferson Stephen Okello

Wednesday 9 June 2021


 Hello heavenly citizens in Royal City Ministries, I greet you in the Powerful name of JESUS CHRIST, who died and destroyed the devil with all sicknesses at the cross of Calvary. As God’s Apostle in Royal City Ministries, I have taught you the PURE WORD OF GOD in Christ, this is the TIME to BUILD YOUR FAITH IN THE WORD OF GOD which I have been TEACHING and SENDING daily because FEAR is taking over the world. The devil has released the spirits of fear, fear, and people everywhere are fearing coronavirus more than they even fear God but that’s not you because IN CHRIST JESUS you’re more than a CONQUEROR! You Royal Citizens, who follows my TEACHINGS IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST JESUS SHALL NOT DIE OF coronavirus or any disease before FULFILLING God’s PLAN.

 We’ve the PROPHETIC WORD from God that this is the “SEASON OF ABUNDANCE”, not of coronavirus, therefore, set your eyes on God’s ABUNDANCE OF BLESSINGS, love, joy, Favor as you win souls for Christ daily. So believe the WORD OF GOD and make the word of God your WAEPON to fight a Successful Warfare against the devil. Don’t you know that the Promised Land God gave the children of Israel had occupants of {7 greater nations} stronger than the children of Israel physically but the children of Israel BELIEVED THE PROPHETIC WORD of God and FOUGHT using the word of God they BELIEVED and God gave them the VICTORY{Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 7:23-24, 20:16-17, 1 John 3:8, Colossians 2:14-15}. In the same let all of you learn to LIVE HEALTHY, drinking enough water, eating on time, “THIS IS OUR SEASON, THE MIRACULOUS POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT has COME upon you and tell all people to PUT their TRUST IN THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST JESUS. 

The Lord Jesus Christ MIRACULOUSLY HEALED people{Matthew 15:30-31, Luke 7:11-22} and I’m sent as the Apostle of Miracles to MIRACULOUSLY HEAL all the sick, raise the dead, deliver all the demonic possessed souls by the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t just believe what you’re hearing on newspapers, don’t just post what people are sending you. You’re a born again believer in Christ Jesus, your work is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ and about the Miracles , Signs and Wonders, you’ve seen God do in Royal City Ministries and through me his Apostle. Our Church Royal City Najera is OPEN, not CLOSED and come anytime for PRAYERS, Counselling, intercession prayers.

 Start wagging spiritual WAR against the forces of the devil killing people with diseases, sicknesses, poverty, death, the devil has been DEFEATED BY THE BLOOD  OF CHRIST, Pray for the whole of Ugandan people to be SAVED, the whole of Africa to be SAVED, Pray for all Royal City Members for God to fill them with the Spirit to Serve and prosper, Pray for our Radio Station, we need MONEY TO FINISH PAYING FOR OUR RADIO STATION now. Pray for supernatural GROWTH, MULTIPLICATION and INCREASE upon the work of God in Royal City Ministries. 

We’ve been given the POWER by the name of Jesus of Nazareth against all evil, therefore, use the POWER of the name of Jesus to completely DESTROY the devil with all it’s agents stopping your growth, prosperity, multiplication, Healings, Blessings{Matthew 10:1-8, Revelation 12:11} and use the same POWER of the name of Jesus Christ to OPEN THE DOORS OF YOUR Abundant Blessings of God upon your marriage, families, communities. Live every day as those JESUS CHRIST IS COMING TODAY in love, Holiness, worship and diligent service to God. Give constantly to God’s work, give to the needy. I declare that you live and abide in the fullness of the glory of God. Hallelujah! 

Apostle of Miracles, Jefferson Stephen Okello


  THE CALL TO PRAYER!!! Beloved of God in Christ, CORONAVIRUS MUST BE DESTROYED because the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today a...